Why in sad feels when you can opt to be away from it forever?

In the whole transition from childhood to womanhood, every female undergoes a radical change. Upon attaining womanhood, her thought process revolves around her family and home primarily. Priorities keep on changing and accordingly she has to adapt, keeping aside her own preferences — and in the bargain, her “self” is gradually lost completely and she develops a sense of being left behind, neglected and forgotten.

One day when she sits and rewinds, she feels that she has rarely thought of her own interests or to put it rightly — had buried them in the layers of responsibilities and demands of the family. If she had been working, her professional demands too kept her away form thinking about her own interests. A stage comes when she is stable in her life and so much organised in daily chores that managing everything becomes easy and effortless. Now, she has time to think about herself as being neglected or depressed.This happens because, at this stage of life, she has time but all others are busy — the husband is busy with work (as always) and the children are grown up, spending more of their time with friends, books or other activities — not with her as they did earlier.

Being an intelligent planner, any woman can positively plan this time and choose to be happy and not depressed, deprived or lonely. A slight shift in the thought process might transform the scene of frustration and irritation to one of exhilaration. If planning of such a situation is done with proper foresight, one can stay away from all the sad feels and be in a state of equilibrium. You might wonder “But how?”  Here are some ways I’ve adopted, to overcome:

  • List down all the activities that you think has the potential of giving a change. Those activities that you wanted to do but have not done so far. It can be anything like writing, music, dance, cooking, reading, yoga, going to the gym, some type of social service or even start one’s own business.
  • Of these, shortlist those that you can easily incorporate with your current daily routine or those which will not make much changes in routine.
  • Hunt for the available options that suits your timing and budget or things that can be pursued online.
  • Take up options where your interest can be nurtured like learning to dance, cooking, joining a gym or enrolling for yoga lessons, pursuing a course in writing etc. One can also spend some time in library reading about interesting topics and enhancing knowledge. Doing this would bring welcome change and break the monotony of daily routine. Sometimes, it happens that when thinking about a certain hobby it delights, but actually pursuing it does not work well. Factors responsible for this can be anything – slow learning, improper health, no or less family support, etc.. Process of getting pleasure can click in the first choice from the list itself, or one may have to try other option and onwards. Like, if dancing doesn’t work well, may be painting may do wonders and so on.

When one connects with the area of one’s interest, one shares time with more like-minded people. In doing so, one gets various new ideas and can also stumble upon an altogether new set of friends to spend time with, share food for thought too – ah-ha! Secondly, it is smarter to spend now in interests that ensures wellness rather than spend on wellness programs through the route of doctors and therapies later.

A small secret – the sense of fulfilment one derives from getting to pursue something of interest, works to erase all the irritation and discomfort that comes with mundane, routine tasks and house-hold chores — thus creating an aura of happiness and onset of peace with oneself. As a special advantage, one is also left with no hard feelings for anyone — oh, she is too busy to think about it!

Come to think of it, no one is going to be as concerned about you as you yourself; only you know yourself the best and can decide for yourself most suitably. So why wait? Plan up your time now before it is too late and you’re left with no choice but to look back at a life not lived up fullest. Even if you identify yourself with this stage – it’s time for action, honey!

Sometimes a thought crosses your mind: Is it too late to start? The fact is, it is never too late to start — there can always be a bright beginning and it can happen anytime!!!


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